Saturday, April 16, 2022

book: Hero on a Mission

Hero on a Mission: A Path to a Meaningful Life: Miller, Donald: 9781400226948: Books

Hero on a Mission Book - Business Made Simple

Hero on a Mission

  1. Act 1: How to Create a Life of Meaning
    1. 1. The Victim, the Villain, the Hero, and the Guide: The Four Roles We Play in Life
    2. 2. A Hero Accepts Their Own Agency
    3. 3. A Hero Chooses a Life of Meaning
    4. 4. What Elements Are Necessary for a Person to Transform?
    5. 5. A Hero Knows What They Want
    6. 6. A Morning Ritual to Guide and Direct Your Story
  2. Act 2: Create Your Life Plan
  3. Act 3: Your Life Plan and Daily Planner

review summary @Blinkist

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