Monday, December 24, 2018

book: Thinking, Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow.jpgThinking, Fast and Slow - Wikipedia

"Thinking, Fast and Slow is a best-selling book published in 2011 by Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences laureate Daniel Kahneman.

The central thesis is a dichotomy between two modes of thought: "System 1" is fast, instinctive and emotional; "System 2" is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. The book delineates cognitive biases associated with each type of thinking, starting with Kahneman's own research on loss aversion. From framing choices to people's tendency to replace a difficult question with one which is easy to answer, the book highlights several decades of academic research to suggest that people place too much confidence in human judgment"

somewhat related book:

Friday, December 21, 2018

yin yang of seasons

Why does the Yin Yang symbol look this way?
Sun Chart aligned with seasons.
starworlds: December 2013

The arrival of the Winter Solstice at December 21, heralds the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and the first official day of winter. This moment marks the end point of the contracting forces of yin and darkness, and the birth of the expansive forces of yang and light. At this time of year, the Sun appears to stand still for three days in declination, its lowest annual altitude above the horizon at noon.
Season - Wikipedia

Sunday, December 9, 2018

book: Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones: James Clear: 9780735211292: Books

The Fundamentals: Why Tiny Changes Make a Big Difference

1 The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits
2 How Your Habits Shape Your Identity (and Vice Versa)
3 How to Build Better Habits in 4 Simple Steps

The 1st Law: Make It Obvious (Cue)

4 The Man Who Didn’t Look Right
5 The Best Way to Start a New Habit
6 Motivation Is Overrated; Environment Often Matters More
7 The Secret to Self-Control

The 2nd Law: Make It Attractive (Craving)

8 How to Make a Habit Irresistible
9 The Role of Family and Friends in Shaping Your Habits
10 How to Find and Fix the Causes of Your Bad Habits

The 3rd Law: Make It Easy (Response)

11 Walk Slowly, but Never Backward
12 The Law of Least Effort
13 How to Stop Procrastinating by Using the Two-Minute Rule
14 How to Make Good Habits Inevitable and Bad Habits Impossible

The 4th Law: Make It Satisfying (Reward)

15 The Cardinal Rule of Behavior Change
16 How to Stick with Good Habits Every Day
17 How an Accountability Partner Can Change Everything

Advanced Tactics: How to Go from Being Merely Good to Being Truly Great

18 The Truth About Talent (When Genes Matter and When They Don’t)
19 The Goldilocks Rule: How to Stay Motivated in Life and Work
20 The Downside of Creating Good Habits

Conclusion: The Secret to Results That Last

The 3 R's of Habit Change: How To Start New Habits That Actually Stick

The HABIT LOOP: Cue => Craving => Response => Reward

Atomic Habits: How to Get 1% Better Every Day - James Clear - YouTube

4 stages oh habits formation:
  1. Noticing (motivation intentions)
    Many people think they lack motivation,
    when what they really lack is clarity
  2. Wanting
    driver of habits: physical environment
  3. Doing
    Optimize for the starting line, not the finish line
  4. Liking
    The only reason we repeat behaviors is because we like them.
    You need to experience rewards along the way.

Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results by James Clear

PNTV: Atomic Habits by James Clear - YouTube (review by Brian Johnson)

  • tiny = mighty (compound effect over time)
  • plateau of latent potential: it takes time to observe changes
  • identity = repeated being
  • 4 laws
    • cue: obvious 
    • craving: attractive (for good habits)
    • response: easy (for good, make it hard for bad)
    • reward: satisfying (opposite for bad)
  • sorites (pile, heap) paradox: plus one alone does not make wealthy, over time it could

Optimize Interview: Atomic Habits with James Clear - YouTube

Book Summary: Atomic Habits by James Clear | Sam Thomas Davies

Watch out, if you don't manage your habits, others will do it for you!

The Hook Model by Nir Eyal
  1. Trigger
  2. Action
  3. Variable Reward
  4. Investment
  • An atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do but is also the source of incredible power; a component of the system of compound growth.
  • Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don’t want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.
  • Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if you’re willing to stick with them for years.

Use ATOMIC HABITS to Change Your LIFE! | James Clear (@JamesClear) | Top 10 Rules - YouTube

📜 JAMES CLEAR'S RULES 📜 1. Build good habits 2. Put in the reps 3. Challenge yourself 4. Exercise & Read 5. Have a plan 6. Get rid of bad habits 7. Develop expertise 8. Change your environment 9. Change your identity 10. Be systems oriented 11. BONUS - Change the way you think

Saturday, November 17, 2018

book: make it stick

MAKE IT STICK by P. Brown, M.McDaniel & H.Roediger III | Core Message - YouTube

Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning: Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, Mark A. McDaniel: 4708364242277: Books

1. Take self-quizzes 2. Interleave 3. Spacing Effort = Retention

Learning & Teaching for Mastery

Let's teach for mastery -- not test scores | Sal Khan - YouTube

"... it in a traditional academic model we group students together usually by age ... and we shepherd them all together at the same pace
the teacher will give a lecture ... then we'll go home do some homework the next morning we'll review the homework then we'll get another lecture homework lecture homework that'll continue for about two or three weeks and then we get a test and on that test maybe I get a 75% maybe you get a 90% maybe you get a 95% and even though that test has identified gaps in our knowledge I didn't know 25 percent of the material even the a student what was the 5% they didn't know even though we've identified those gaps the whole class will then move on to the next subject probably a more advanced subject that's going to build on those gaps 
that process continues and and you immediately start to realize how strange this is I didn't know 25% of the more foundational thing and now I'm being pushed to the more advanced thing and this one can view for months and will continue for years all the way it's at some point ... I hit a wall 
to appreciate how absurd that is imagine if we did other things in our life that way say home building 

so we bring in the contractor say told we have two weeks to build a foundation do what you can so they they do what they can maybe it rains maybe some of the supplies don't show up and the two weeks later the inspector comes looks around says okay the concrete's still wet right over there that part's not quite up to code I'll give it an 80% say great that's a C let's build the first floor same thing yeah we have two weeks do it you can inspector shows up in two weeks it's a 75% great that's a d-plus second floor third floor and all of a sudden while you're building the third floor that whole structure collapses ..."

Khan Academy Live! In Khanversation with Barbara Oakley - YouTube

Jeff Bezos unveils $2B ‘Day One Fund’ focusing on homeless families and preschool education – GeekWire

Saturday, October 20, 2018

FAST Learning

How to learn Fast - Jim Kwik - 2018 - YouTube

Forget: what you already know, start with beginners mind; ignore distractions; limitations
Active: Brain does not learn based on consumption, it learns by creation 
State:  Information + Emotion = long term memory
Teach: Learn to teach to somebody else; this makes you pay attention differently

"With great power comes great responsibility"
<=> "With great responsibility comes great power"
When we take responsibility for something we have great power to make it better!

The greatest responsibility: controlling how we feel, to be in state of curiosity, excitement.

"When you teach something you get it to learn twice"

book: The Power of TED (The Empowerment Dynamic)

POWER OF TED* (*THE EMPOWERMENT DYNAMIC): 10th Anniversary Edition: David Emerald, Obadinah Heavner, Robert Lanphear: 9780996871808: Books

Home Escape the Drama Triangle with TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic)Image result for POWER OF TED* (*THE EMPOWERMENT DYNAMIC)

The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) PDF

PNTV: The Power of TED by David Emerald - YouTube (review by Brian Johnson)

The Power of TED by David Emerald - PhilosophersNotes | Optimize

Optimize Interview: The Power of TED* with David Emerald - YouTube

3 vital questions:
  • where is my focus
    • problems or 
    • outcomes
  • how am I relating: to others, to experiences, to myself 
    • more drama or 
    • empowering myself to take creative action
  • what actions am I taking: 
    • reactive, or 
    • generative, creative
Orientation is crucial
  • Victim or 
    • DDT triangle: Dreaded Drama Triangle
      • victim, 
      • prosecutor, (a person,  a condition, a situation)
      • rescuer
    • focus on what we don't want, on problems
    • inner state of anxiety, fear
    • reactive actions (fight, flight, freeze) 
    • this is the default human orientation, survival instinct
  • Creator 
    • TED triangle: The Empowerment Dynamics: 
      • creator, 
      • challenger, 
      • coach 
    • focus on what we want, envisioned outcomes
    • what has a meaning for us
    • creative actions, passion, desire
    • start with baby steps in solving problems toward goals

people play different roles in different situations, both in DDT and TED triangles

important is to shift mindset DDT => TED
  • victim => creator:
    • what I want to create
    • I own my capacity to respond to life experiences, even when feel victimized 
    • questions to ask: 
      • why am I experiencing this
      • what can I learn here
    • the key for shift from victim to creator is to be able to ask and answer questions: 
      • "what do I want?" and
      • "what are the choices here
    • chose to respond to what is happening in life
  • persecutor => challenger
    • challenges to improve and create, instead to react
    • be constructive challengers in our relationships with others
    • always ask yourself questions: 
      • what do I want
      • what is my intention here" before challenging someone
      • what kind of question can I ask
    • conscious constructive challenger has learning, supportive intention (not to show off)
    • not to see others as "problems to fix", instead as "creators in their own right"
  • rescuer => coach
    • professional or trusted friend
    • clarify intended outcomes and current reality
    • rescuers often from good intention reinforce powerlessness of the victim 
    • as a coach, we see the person we support as a creator, capable and resourceful
    • support by inquiry, asking questions:
      • what do you want
      • what is your current reality
      • what are possible options, choices,
        baby steps to move to better outcome

Dynamic Tension
Example of rubber band as an illustration
  • What do I want (goal)
  • What is current reality (starting point)
    • what supports the goal
    • what is in the way, problems to solve
  • Resolving this tension (distance from start to goal) by
    • taking baby steps from current reality to desired goal
    • short term, the smallest thing I can do
    • every step can be 
      • forward, good
      • backward, what can I learn from it?
      • breakthrough, you never know when it may happen if not taking baby steps
    • in every step evaluate
      • what do I want?
      • what did I got?
      • what is next?
Why baby steps rather then giant leaps?
  • High-achievers assumptions that need to
    figure out all the steps to desired future outcome before taking action. 
  • Detailed plans are often voided by unanticipated situations. 
  • Spending all time planning steps rather than taking them. 
  • Baby steps open up paths for breakthroughs or learning along the way 
  • What can I do in next 30 days is much more powerful than what I can do in 5 years
  • Immediate actions inform subsequent actions, 
  • Don't have to have it all figured out before we start
Quote: "It is impossible to invest your soul in a compromise"
There is always a tension between desired outcome and reality.
If we give in to this tension by reducing goal, we react from victim reality, compromising vision.
Part of discipline of being a creator is to allow ourselves to have big visions, that creates a meaning for our lives, and taking baby steps to make it closer to reality.


  • being able to identify "where am I" (DDT or TED)
  • and "what I really want" and what are choices
  • no mater the situation we always have choices, and can choose choice

David Emerald womeldorff - YouTube

Sunday, September 30, 2018

book: "Never Split the Difference" (how to negotiate)

Book Summary: Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss 
@ samuel thomas davies

Contents: Never split the difference :
  • The new rules:
    how to become the smartest person ... in any room
  • Be a mirror :
    how to quickly establish rapport
  • Don't feel their pain, label it:
    how to create trust with tactical empathy
  • Beware "yes", master "no":
    how to generate momentum and make it safe to reveal the real stakes
  • Trigger the two words that immediately transform any negotiation: ("that's right!")
    how to gain permission to persuade
  • Bend their reality:
    how to shape what is fair
  • Create the illusion of control:
    how to calibrate questions to transform conflict into collaboration
  • Guarantee execution: ("yes is nothing without how")
    how to spot the liars and ensure follow-through from everyone else
  • Bargain hard:
    how to get your price
  • Find the Black Swan:
    how to create breakthroughs by revealing the unknown unknowns.
Never Split the Difference Cheat-Sheet

How to Negotiate: NEVER SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE by Chris Voss | Core Message - YouTube
by ProductivityGame

How to Negotiate: NEVER SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE by Chris Voss | Core Message - YouTube

Chris Voss: "Never Split the Difference" | Talks at Google - YouTube

Ex-FBI negotiator Chris Voss: This phrase can help you win an argument

"Former FBI hostage negotiator Chriss Voss discusses the phrase "that's right," and why you want to hear it in a conversation instead of "you''re right.""

CEO Chris Voss: Negotiate Like Your Life Depends On It | iConic Conference 2017 | CNBC - YouTube


Chris Voss on How to Master Negotiation in Business and Life with Lewis Howes - YouTube

Negotiation Skills: Chris Voss Australia Real Estate Conference Keynote May 2017 - YouTube

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

book: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

21 Lessons for the 21st Century: Yuval Noah Harari: 9780525512172: Books

...urgent, shape-shifting topics that will shape our present and near future, including nationalism, religion, immigration, artificial intelligence, and even the nature of Truth..

“In a world deluged by irrelevant information, clarity is power"

"Unlike "Sapiens" and "Homo Deus" (previous books of the same author), this book is intended not as a historical narrative but rather as a selection of lessons. These lessons do not conclude with simple answers. They aim to stimulate further thinking and help readers participate in some of the major conversations of our time."

“So what should we be teaching?
Many pedagogical experts argue that schools should switch to teaching
the four Cs’—critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. 

More broadly, they believe, schools should downplay technical skills and emphasize general-purpose
life skills
. Most important of all will be the ability to deal with change, learn new things, and
preserve your mental balance in unfamiliar situations
. In order to keep up with the world of
2050, you will need not merely to invent new ideas and products but above all to reinvent
yourself again and again.

Part I The Technological Challenge
 1 Disillusionment
 2 Work
 3 Liberty
 4 Equality
Part II The Political Challenge
 5 Community
 6 Civilization
 7 Nationalism
 8 Religion
 9 Immigration
Part III Despair and Hope
 10 Terrorism
 11 War
 12 Humility
 13 God
 14 Secularism
Part IV Truth
 15 Ignorance
 16 Justice
 17 Post-Truth
 18 Science Fiction
Part V Resilience
 19 Education
 20 Meaning
 21 Meditation

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Learn how to learn, for exams and otherwise

An excellent, free, video tutorial.
Applicable to any learning, not only for "cloud computing certification"

A Cloud Guru - A Cloud Guru

AWS Certification Preparation Guide course artwork

Friday, August 10, 2018

Martin Luther King: your life's blueprint: be the best...


"For what you do now and what you decide now
at this age, may well determine
which way your life shall go.
And the question is, whether you
have a proper, a solid, and a sound blueprint.
And I wanna suggest some of the things
that should be in your life's blueprint.

Number one in your life's blueprint
should be a deep belief
in your own dignity, your own worth,
and your own somebodiness.

Don't allow anybody to make you feel
that you are nobody.
Always feel that you count.
Always feel that you have worth.
And always feel that your life
has ultimate significance.

Secondly, in your life's blueprint
you must have as a basic principle
the determination to achieve excellence
in your various fields of endeavor.

You're gonna be deciding as the days
and the years unfold, what you will do in life,
what your life's work will be.
Once you discover what it will be
set out to do it and to do it well.
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.
If you can't be a highway, just be a trail.
If you can't be the sun, be a star.
For it isn't by size that you win or you fail.
Be the best of whatever you are.

And finally, in your life's blueprint
must be a commitment to the eternal principles
of beauty, love, and justice.

While life for none of us has been a crystal stair
we must keep moving, we must keep going.
If you can't fly, run.
If you can't run, walk.
If you can't walk, crawl.
But by all means keep moving."

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should
sweep streets even as a Michelangelo painted,
or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry.
He should sweep streets so well that
all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say,
‘Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.’”

"'Learn, baby, learn' so that we can 'earn, baby, earn.'"

Monday, June 18, 2018

book: The Progress Principle The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work eBook: Teresa Amabile, Steven Kramer: Kindle Store

TEDxAtlanta - Teresa Amabile - The Progress Principle - YouTube

Teresa Amabile: "The Progress Principle" | Talks at Google - YouTube

PNTV: The Progress Principle by Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer - YouTube

The Progress Principle by Teresa Amabile, Steven Kramer - PhilosophersNotes | Optimize

"As inner work life goes, so goes the company. We discovered that people are more creative and
productive when they are deeply engaged in the work, when they feel happy, and when they
think highly of their projects, coworkers, managers, and organizations. But there’s more. When
people enjoy consistently positive inner work lives, they are also more committed to their work
and more likely to work well with colleagues. In other words, work-related psychological benefits
for employees translate into performance benefts for the company"

  • The progress principle 
  • catalyst factor:  Catalysts are actions that directly support the work on the project  
  • nourishment factor:  nourishers are interpersonal triggers, directed at the person. They include respect, encouragement, comfort, and other forms of social or emotional support  
Just as setbacks are the opposite of progress, inhibitors are the opposites of catalysts,
toxins are the opposite of nourishers. 

Progress and inner work life feed each other ...  Progress enhances inner work life (the progress principle) and positive inner work life leads to further progress.
To harness this powerful force, you must ensure that consistent forward movement in meaningful work is a regular occurrence in your employees’ daily work lives, despite the inevitable setbacks that all nontrivial work entails. aware of when we start to spiral down into the vicious rather than virtuous loop.

  • Setting clear goals 
  • Allowing autonomy 
  • Providing resources 
  • Giving enough time—but not too much  
  • Help with the work
  • Learning from problems and successes  
  • Allowing ideas to flow  
  • Respect
  • Encouragement 
  • Emotional support 
  • Afliation"

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret - YouTube

The Strangest Secret, Earl Nightingale 1950 (With Subtitles) - YouTube

The Strangest Secret
Transcribed from The Strangest Secret audio program by Earl Nightingale

Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret


"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." (goal)
A success is anyone who is doing/pursuing deliberately a predetermined goal/job, 
because that's what he or she decided to do ... deliberately.
Instead of competing, all we have to do is create

People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. 
It's that simple.

Here is the key to success, and, the key to failure. 
"We become what we think about"
And if we think about nothing ... we become nothing.

The human mind is much like a farmer's land...
...the mind, like the land ... will return what you plant, but it doesn't care what you plant.

All ... priceless possessions are free.
The human mind isn’t used because we take it for granted.

So decide now. What is it you want? Plant your goal in your mind.
It's the most important decision you'll ever make in your entire life.

All you have got to do is plant that seed in your mind, care for it, work steadily towards your goal, and it will become a reality. It not only will, there's no way that it cannot.

Every one of us is the sum total of our own thoughts.
We must control our thinking.
This is The Strangest Secret in the world. Actually, it is not a secret at all.

Life should be an exciting adventure. It should never be a bore. 
A person should work fully, be alive. You should be glad to get out of bed in the morning. 
You should be doing a job that you like to do because you do it well

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".
We can achieve nothing without paying the price
  1. Think Constructively- You will become what you think about. 
  2. Imagine - Remember the word imagination and let your mind begin to soar. 
  3. Courage - Concentrate on your goal every day. 
  4. Save - ten percent of what you earn. 
  5. Action - Ideas are worthless unless we act on them.
First, write down on your card specifically what it is you want.
Second, stop thinking about what it is you fear

The moment you decide on a goal to work toward, you immediately are a successful person
"Act as though it were impossible to fail"

...remember that you must reap that what you sow. 
If you sow negative thoughts, your life will be filled with negative things. 
If you sow positive thoughts, your life will be cheerful, successful, and positive.

The only way to earn money is by providing people
with services or products which are needed and useful.

Success is not the result of making money. 
Earning money is the result of success- 
and success is in direct proportion to our service.

Don't concern yourself with the money. 
Be of service ... build ... work ...dream ... create!

No person can get rich themselves, unless they first enrich others.
There are no exceptions to a law.

Pay the price by becoming the person you want to become.

How Successful People Think - Earl Nightingale - YouTube

The Strangest secret - YouTube "revisited"

Saturday, May 5, 2018

book: As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen

As a Man Thinketh - Wikipedia

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen - Free Ebook  @ Project Gutenberg

"Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your Vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your Ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.

The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities."

Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.  - James Allen

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

book: Building a StoryBrand

Building a StoryBrand | Clarify Your Message so Customers Will Listen

"if you confuse, you lose; noise is the enemy,
and creating a clear message is the best way to grow your business."

Storybrand Website Reviews | Donald Miller | EntreLeadership Takeaways - YouTube

Storybrand One Liner Exercise | Donald Miller | EntreLeadership Takeaways - YouTube

Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen: Donald Miller: 9780718033323: Books

"One-Liner" is one sentence that capture the brand, that attracts right away (i.e. for movie, one-liner is worth $50K - $1M)

"What do yo do?" : Answer is a 3-part sentence:
  1. Identify your customer's problem ("open, start story with the specific problem, pain point")
  2. Explain your plan to help them ("here is what we do to solve the problem. Make it feel like a new idea, a differentiation") Make it brief, understandable
  3. Successful ending to their story. ("so that...  a summary") Make it controlling idea of your business!
storybrand Bonuses

"Here is nearly every story you see or hear, in a nutshell: 
  1. A CHARACTER who wants something 
  2. encounters a PROBLEM before they can get it. 
  3. At the peak of their despair, a GUIDE steps into their lives, 
  4. gives them a PLAN, 
  6. That action helps them avoid FAILURE 
  7. and ends in a SUCCESS."
Book Review - StoryBrand

Examples ("to repeat hundreds of times")

"Most businesses struggle to talk about what they offer.
We have a process that helps them clarify their message,
so their companies start growing again."

"Most people can't get their heads around their financial future
so we created a financial map that puts all your info on a weekly dashboard
giving you peace of mind about your finances"

"Nobody likes to haggle with a car salesman
so we removed the salesman entirely. You can chose and test drive a car hassle free
so you have a peaceful experience getting the car you want"

5minutemarketingmakeover – Revolutionize your marketing

Human brain: 1. trying to survive; 2. trying to conserve energy;
constantly filtering information, what is important and what is not.
Goal: organize information so that people can say: "I need that"

Complex info needs too much energy to figure out the message. 
Avoid "the curse of knowledge:" we are too close to our products and services. 
Organize information for the people you are talking to.
After 5 seconds looking web site they should be able to answer:
  1. What is that you offer?
  2. How will it make my life better?
  3. What do I need to do to buy it?
  1. Easy to understand "tagline," clear message
  2. Obvious call for action ("one button to press")
  3. Visually show success of solving customer's problem
  4. Break product in "bite-size" categories (organize for them)
  5. Clear communication of "BrandScript" (messaging) 
Story Marketing: 
  • Customer = Hero; Your Brand = Guide
  • Story is not about yourself, the story is about the customer
  • Be empathetic. Customer is on a journey, and has a problem. 
  • Establish authority. Don't brag to much, that is insecure. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Amazon's Jeff Bezos: principles

Amazon's Jeff Bezos: Lessons in Management at I.A. Gala 2017 - YouTube

Amazon common approach, principles:
  1. Customer obsession
    (vs. product, technology or competitor obsession)
  2. (Willing and eager to) invent and pioneer
    Customer obsession is not just listening to the customer,
    it is also inventing on behalf of the customers
  3. Long term orriented
    Think in 5-7 years time-frame (not 2-3 years)

"...the main job of a senior leader is 
to identify two or three important ideas and then to enforce great execution 
against those big ideas
and the good news is that 
the big ideas are usually incredibly easy to identify
you shouldn't need to think about them
very much you already know what they are
let me give you an example for Amazon
the consumer business the three big ideas are 
low prices fast delivery and vast selection..."

Friday, February 2, 2018