Saturday, August 27, 2022
Feng Shui

book: Shaman, Healer, Sage by Alberto Villoldo

Amazon.com: Alberto Villoldo: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle
Power Up Your Brain: Perlmutter M.D., David, Villoldo, Alberto: 9781401928186: Amazon.com: Books
Power Up Your Brain - Google Books
Grow a NEW BODY Program - YouTube
Creating PEACE in Crisis - YouTube
Daily Rituals - Clearing NEGATIVE ENERGIES - Alberto Villoldo - YouTube
The ROOT CAUSE Of Disease & How To START HEALING The Body & Mind! | Alberto Villoldo - YouTube podcast interview with Mark Hyman, MD
Using Ancient Wisdom To Resist Disease, Heal Quickly, And Age Well - Dr. Mark Hyman
Optimize Interview: One Spirit Medicine with Alberto Villoldo - YouTube
PNTV: Power Up Your Brain by David Perlmutter and Alberto Villoldo (#194) - YouTube
PNTV: Courageous Dreaming by Alberto Villoldo (#193) - YouTube
PNTV: One Spirit Medicine by Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. (#229) - YouTube
Saturday, August 13, 2022
free textbooks & flashcards: OpenStax
OpenStax (formerly OpenStax College) is a nonprofit educational technology initiative based at Rice University. Since 2012, OpenStax has created peer-reviewed, openly-licensed textbooks, which are available in free digital formats and for a low cost in print. Most books are also available in Kindle versions on Amazon.com and in the iBooks Store. OpenStax's first textbook was College Physics, which was published online, in print, and in iBooks in 2012. OpenStax has also launched OpenStax Tutor Beta, adaptive courseware based on cognitive science principles, machine learning, and OpenStax content.
Master the essential concepts in these subjects with support from professors and fellow students.
- Open educational resources
- OpenCourseWare
- OpenStax CNX
- Open Course Library
- Open.Michigan
- Rice University Press, Rice's all-digital platform based on the Connexions technology
- Wikiversity, a Wikimedia Foundation project, devoted to learning materials and activities
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Effort == Reward @ Huberman Lab podcast
Controlling Your Dopamine For Motivation, Focus & Satisfaction | Huberman Lab Podcast #39 - YouTube
the immensely powerful chemical that we all make in our brain and body
Andrew D. Huberman - Wikipedia professor of Neurobiology at Stanford school of medicine
dopamine: get pleasure from effort
Andrew Huberman: "Do This For 7 Days! The Billion Dollar DAILY ROUTINE" [Rare Advice] - YouTube
Reprogram Your Brain to Destroy Laziness and Improve Focus - Dhru Purohit with Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neurotransmitters have some incredible power over how we function. Dopamine is responsible for craving, motivation, and pursuit. Adrenaline relates to agitation and endurance. Serotonin helps us be grateful and feel good about what we have. And acetylcholine can help us focus. This is just a snapshot of the chemical symphony happening in our bodies all the time, and we can actually leverage these inner reactions to better understand the way we react to the world around us and make positive changes.""This Is Why You're Lazy & Can't Focus" - FIX THIS TODAY! | Dr. Andrew Huberman - YouTube