William Knowlton Zinsser was an American writer, editor, literary critic, and teacher. He began his career as a journalist for the New York Herald Tribune, where he worked as a feature writer, drama editor, film critic and editorial writer. He was a longtime contributor to leading magazines.
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On Writing Well : William Zinsser : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
On Writing Well, The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction, 6e (2001) @Archive.org
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ON WRITING WELL by William Zinsser | Core Message - YouTube
More productive knowledge, in less time. Productivity Game
“Few people realize how badly they write. Nobody has shown them how much excess or murkiness has crept into their style and how it obstructs what they are trying to say.” – William Zinsser
Rewriting is the essence of writing ‐ professional writers rewrite their sentences over and over and then rewrite what they have rewritten...Rewriting makes writing tighter, stronger and more precise.
Your second draft will be much leaner than the first, but not lean enough. Refine your second draft by reading it from the perspective of an impatient reader who hates unnecessary words. Get the impatient reader through your piece quickly by removing redundant words and replacing pretentious words.
“The most important sentence in any article is the first one. If it doesn’t induce the reader to proceed to the second sentence, your article is dead. And if the second sentence doesn’t induce him to continue to the third sentence, it’s equally dead.”
On Writing Well Summary and Review - Four Minute Books
On Writing Well is your guide to becoming a great non-fiction writer that explains why you must learn and practice principles like simplicity, consistency, voice, editing, and enthusiasm if you want to persuade readers and make a difference in their lives.
"learn and practice principles like simplicity, consistency, voice, editing, and enthusiasm
if you want to persuade readers and make a difference in their lives."
Lesson 1: Cut out unnecessary words and phrases as much as possible because simple writing is the best at conveying meaning.
complex writing is bad writing.Lesson 2: Your beginnings and endings make a big difference for reader engagement, so spend time making them great.
Lesson 3: Inspire yourself with your writing and you will inspire those who read it.
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