Saturday, December 2, 2023

book: Hidden Potential by Adam Grant

Hidden Potential – Adam Grant

Books – Adam Grant

Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things: Grant, Adam: 9780593653142: Books

excellent podcast interview with the author!

Dr. Adam Grant: How to Unlock Your Potential, Motivation & Unique Abilities - Huberman Lab

Dr. Adam Grant: How to Unlock Your Potential, Motivation & Unique Abilities - YouTube

"Dr. Adam Grant, Ph.D., a professor of organizational psychology at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, an expert in the science and practical steps for increasing motivation, maximizing and reaching our potential, and understanding how individuals and groups can best flourish. He is also an avid public educator, having written five bestselling books, delivered several top-ranking TED Talks and is the host of two psychology podcasts."


"everyone, not just geniuses and superstars, can achieve great things, providing a three-part framework for developing character skills, sustaining long-term motivation, and designing opportunity systems that allows anyone to grow, learn, and reach their highest heights."

Grant suggests there are 3 key pieces to the latent power–puzzle: 
character skills, sustaining motivation, and systems of opportunity. 
  • Developing your character begins with starting before you feel ready.
  • Progress often feels like going in circles — that’s normal, just keep going.
  • “Brainwriting” is a better technique to produce results in a group than brainstorming meetings.

Book Briefing: 'Hidden Potential' by Adam Grant | Time

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