The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal: Loehr, Jim, Schwartz, Tony: 9780743226752: Books James E. Loehr: books, biography, latest update
Books | Jim Loehr Performance Psychologist
Dr. Jim Loehr #193 @The Knowledge Project podcast
No. 1 Performance Psychologist: Here's What The Best in the World Know About Success That You Don't - YouTube
THE POWER OF FULL ENGAGEMENT by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz | Animated Core Message - YouTube
PNTV: The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz (#57) - YouTube
Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time: A Visual Summary of The Power of Full Engagement - YouTube
The Power Of Full Engagement Summary - Four Minute Books
There are four kinds of energy for you to manage: physical energy, emotional energy, mental energy and spiritual energy.
- Physical energy is the most important and it’s based on how well you sleep, how well you eat and how well you exercise. Without physical energy, you won’t be able to do anything, so most of your attention should go to that.
- Emotional energy allows you to react to situations with a broad set of feelings and not just let the world push your buttons. It’s the difference between yelling at a poor clerk in the store, or taking their slowness with a smile.
- Mental energy helps you not cave when things get tough and power through the boring parts at work when you need to.
- Spiritual energy is not about following a religion. It’s just a sort of compass for your life, pointing you in the right direction thanks to clearly knowing your own morals and values, when you’re in need of guidance or don’t know what to do next.
Pay attention to these kinds of energy throughout your day and you’ll notice they have a much bigger impact on your performance than managing your time.
Book Summary and Notes: The Power of Full Engagement by Loehr and Schwartz - TuningJohn
- Tagline: Managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance and personal renewal
Key points:
- Full engagement requires drawing on four separate but related sources of energy:
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
- Because energy capacity diminishes both with overuse and with underuse,
we must balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal.
- To build capacity, we must push beyond our normal limits,
training in the same systematic way that elite athletes do.
- Positive energy rituals – highly specific routines for managing energy – are the key to full engagement and sustained high performance.
- To build capacity, we must systematically expose ourselves to more stress– followed by adequate recovery. Challenging a muscle past its current limits prompts a phenomenon known as supercompensation.
- A short nap of just forty minutes improved performance by an average of 34 percent and alertness by 100 percent
- As little as 5 percent of our behaviors are consciously self-directed. We are creatures of habit and as much as 95 percent of what we do occurs automatically or in reaction to demand or an anxiety.
- The most important role of rituals is to insure an effective balance between energy expenditure and energy renewal in the service of full engagement.