Saturday, May 22, 2021

book: Mastery / Competency Learning

MASTERY by Robert Greene | Animated Core Message - YouTube Mastery (8601422197709): Greene, Robert: Books

PNTV: Mastery by Robert Greene (#247) - YouTube

Heroic Interview: Mastery with Robert Greene - YouTube

Book Club: My Top 5 Takeaways from Mastery by Robert Greene - YouTube

Mastery by Robert Greene Summary & Key Lessons - Nat Eliason

Khan Academy view of mastery learning (video) | Khan Academy

Mastery learning – Instructional strategy and educational philosophy

Mastery learning maintains that students must achieve a level of mastery (e.g., 90% on a knowledge test) in prerequisite knowledge before moving forward to learn subsequent information.

Competency-based learning - Wikipedia

focuses on outcomes and real-world performance
Key concepts that make up the competency-based education framework include demonstrated mastery of a competency, meaningful types of assessment, individualized support for students, and the creation and application of knowledge

Mastery Transcript Consortium – Working consortium of public and private secondary schools

Learning management system – Software system that serves the delivery of learning content and the organisation of learning processes

CEO Talk: How to run a successful worldwide company in the education market - YouTube

Turning a math tutoring class into a homeschooling online solution

Competency Based Learning - EdTech Update

Competency-Based Learning Puts Students at the Center. It’s Perfect for Now. | EdSurge News

Educational Approach - Whitmore School Online High School

Mastery-Based Learning: online system is designed to focus on students’ strengths and achievements, rather than their limitations and failures. For example, our individually-paced mastery learning approach eliminates the “need for speed” present in a standard classroom and allows students to learn at their own natural rate. Students may begin a new course at any time during the calendar year, and progress at the pace that they find most comfortable. As long as the student eventually masters the course work, they will be awarded credit for the course.

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